Proceed to the next subheading for instructions to download Mastercam HLE.
Enter your location in the Country/Region, State/Province/Region, and Postal Code fields.Type in Austin Community College for the School/Company/Organization field.Provide the following information to complete your account setup:.
Enter your ACC student email address and the password you created, then click the Login button.Click the Proceed to Login button to continue.Click the link ‘Click here to validate you email address’ to open the confirmation webpage.Usually your first initial, last name, and numeric counter eg.The validation email is entitled ‘ Validation Code’ from sender and should arrive shortly with your new account username.You will be presented with a screen informing you that your account was created and an email sent – await delivery of the validation email.Confirm you password and enter the challenge code below, then click on the Create Account button.Enter your first and last name, then create a password that complies with the provided requirements.Enter your ACC student email address and click the Get Started button.Click here to go the Mastercam HLE request page.To sign-up and get access to the HLE download link follow the steps bellow: